Friday, February 15, 2019

C # Petrol pump Management System with source code | Complete Project

Project: C # Petrol pump Management System with source code

About the project

The project of the Gasoline Pump Management System is developed using C # Language. The project is based on a concept to maintain and generate the transaction of the gas pump. Speaking of the system, before entering the main menu, the user must go through the login system to get access. From, where the user can add / edit details of the bank account, details of the customer's account, provider's account, details of the employee, details of the client's withdrawal pump account, details of the pump's account customer deposit, lubricant details, general ledger details, maintain daily sales, details of product orders, stock details, daily stock of the product and customer invoice.

When entering the details of a bank account, the user must provide the bank account number, the date of the transaction, the name of the bank, the amount of the credit and the amount of the debt. To enter the client's account, he / she must provide the account number, name, product, product rate, amount, total amount, mode of payment, check number, balance number, date of the transaction and amount. Similarly, to enter the provider's account, he / she has the provider's account number, the name of the supplier, the name of the product, the product rate, the amount, the amount paid, the mode of payment, the Payment mode, check number, amount previously paid, balance, date of the transaction and withdraw the amount. In the same way, to enter the details of the employee, employee identification, name, address, city, state, PIN code, telephone number, D.O.B, department, designation, salary and date of entry, respectively.

The other feature includes details of the product, the user must enter the product identification, name, description, rate, unit of measure, maximum quality, minimum quality, order level and quantity per liter. From the system, the user can easily maintain a daily sales report containing the opening and closing counter, the stock, the quantity sold, the product rate, the closing stock, the current stock, the variation in reading and the quantity of the product. The details of the stock can also be mentioned here and the main essential feature is the billing that is available in this project. To generate the customer invoice, the user must provide the employee identification, the vehicle number, the quantity, the name of the product, the rate, and then the system shows the total amount.

This project uses a MS Access database. The information stored in the database is easily retrieved with every detail. All daily reports can also be generated from the system. The Gasoline Pump Management System project helps manage a gas pump transaction and its products in a short period of time. This project is easy to operate and understood by users. To run this project, you must have Visual Studio IDE installed on your PC. The system of administration of the gas pump in C # with the source code can be downloaded for free. For the demonstration of the project, take a look at the slider of the image below.

Most Important Some Projects Free Download


  1. Log in
  2. Bank account details
  3. Details of the customer's account
  4. Provider Account
  5. Supplier withdraw the accounts of the pump detail
  6. Detail of customer's deposit pump account
  7. Details about employees
  8. Product Details
  9. Lubricant details
  10. Book ledger details
  11. Daily sales
  12. Product order details
  13. Stock details
  14. Daily stock of products
  15. Generate customer invoice



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