PHP and SQL projects
Create, read, update and delete (CRUD) applications have been applied to vacations, faculty, teachers, courses, subjects.
Keep track of faculty, student, course, etc
Applied to Advanced Search Faculty, Student, Course
You can see all the details of the vacation, teachers, students, course
All module students, courses, faculty, subjects, vacations are related and are strongly linked
It covers course information and transaction monitoring.
All faculty, students, course modules have their unique record ID for fast transactions and search.
Editing, adding, and updating records have improved, resulting in better management of vacation data.
Faculty Module: Manage all faculty functions
Student Module: Manage all student operations
Teachers Module: Manage all teachers' tasks
Course module: Manage all course work
Subject Module: Manage all project operations
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code
Faculty Methods: Aid Faculty (), Edit Faculty (), Deleted Faculty (), Update Faculty (), Safe Faculty (), Search Faculty ()
Student methods: addStudent (), editStudent (), editStudent (), updateStudent (), saveStudent (), SearchStudent ()
Teachers Methods: addTeacher (), editTeacher (), deleteTeacher (), updateTeacher (), saveTeacher (), SearchTeacher ()
Course Methods: Aid Course (), Edit Course (), Deal Course (), Update Course (), Safe Course (), SearchCourse ()
Subject Methods: Aids Subject (), Edit Subject (), Delete Subject (), Update Subject (), Apple Subject (), Search Subject ()
Database Table and Faculty Management System Features:
Holiday Entity: Vacation attributes holiday_ad, leave_employ_id, leave_type, leave_states, leave_to, leave_form, leave_date
Faculty Entity: Faculty Features are faculty_id, faculty_ teacher_ad, faculty_name, faculty_room, faculty_type, faculty_description
Student Status: Student properties: student_id, student_class_id, student name, student_mobile, student_mail, student_username, student_password, student_type
Teacher Existence: Teacher Features Teacher_id, Teacher_ hope_key, Teacher name, teacher_mobile, teacher_email, teacher_user, teacher_password, teacher_address
Course entity: Course properties are course_add, course_add_ant, course_registration, course_name, course_type, course_er, course_security
Subject Entity: Subject properties are subject_add, subject_course_add, subject_stent_ed, subject_name, subject_type, subject_security
Each institution (subject, student, course, faculty, departure) includes the primary key and the unique key.
Student, Course Binds Holiday, Faculty Institutes with a Foreign Key
One-on-one and multiple relationships between course, teacher, subject, vacation are available
Discard all institutes, courses, students, essays are normalized and copies of records reduced
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code
Admin can manage all the details of the faculty, students, teachers, course
The admin can also generate reports for departure, faculty, student, teacher
Admin can find vacation, course, student, essay details
Admin can apply different levels of filters to vacation, student, essay reports
Admin can keep track of course, subject, departure, faculty detailed information
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code
Teacher, course, subject is integrated with a dynamic filter. You can filter the record runtime
You can also import report data into PDF of teacher, course, subject
The Excel Sheet report has also been integrated for faculty, teachers, subjects
You can create vacation, course, and student reports for the CSV
We have not implemented dynamic reports for vacations, teachers, courses, faculty, students, essays
This project is not built on the Faculty Management System Model View Controller architecture, so it is very complicated to manage
Vacation, teachers, and batch format for offline reporting of articles cannot be executed.
The Crystal Report has not been integrated
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Teacher, course, subject cannot be submitted without filling out all the outfield
Duplicate values checking has been applied to vacation, student, subject
CSRF tokens have also been applied to teachers, faculty, vacations, courses, subjects.
All Holidays, Teachers, Courses, Faculty, Students, Subjects integrated with Captcha to prevent spam
Subject, course, teacher access level validation is implemented
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code
You have to wait 30 seconds.
PHP and SQL projects
Purpose of the Faculty Management System
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code The Faculty Management System is a web-based application developed on PHP and MySQL and runs on either WAMP, XAMP or Apache 2 servers. The basic module for this project is Departure, Faculty, Teacher, Course, Subject. An admin user can manage all the tasks of course, subject, departure, student, faculty, and their details. Admin can create reports like Vacation, Faculty, Teacher, Course, Subject depending on your selection and filters. You can download the PHP and SQL project faculty management system from this site with the source code and database. We also provide the project report of the Faculty Management System.The following are the features and details of the Faculty Management System.
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code You can find records on different measurements. Such as vacation, teacher, course, subjectCreate, read, update and delete (CRUD) applications have been applied to vacations, faculty, teachers, courses, subjects.
Keep track of faculty, student, course, etc
Applied to Advanced Search Faculty, Student, Course
You can see all the details of the vacation, teachers, students, course
All module students, courses, faculty, subjects, vacations are related and are strongly linked
It covers course information and transaction monitoring.
All faculty, students, course modules have their unique record ID for fast transactions and search.
Editing, adding, and updating records have improved, resulting in better management of vacation data.
Module and description of Faculty Management System:
Module Drop: Manage all vacation operationsFaculty Module: Manage all faculty functions
Student Module: Manage all student operations
Teachers Module: Manage all teachers' tasks
Course module: Manage all course work
Subject Module: Manage all project operations
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code
Watch Video For Demo
Classes and their methods of faculty management system:
Skip methods: add (), editLeave (), delete (), update (), saveLeave (), SearchLeave ()Faculty Methods: Aid Faculty (), Edit Faculty (), Deleted Faculty (), Update Faculty (), Safe Faculty (), Search Faculty ()
Student methods: addStudent (), editStudent (), editStudent (), updateStudent (), saveStudent (), SearchStudent ()
Teachers Methods: addTeacher (), editTeacher (), deleteTeacher (), updateTeacher (), saveTeacher (), SearchTeacher ()
Course Methods: Aid Course (), Edit Course (), Deal Course (), Update Course (), Safe Course (), SearchCourse ()
Subject Methods: Aids Subject (), Edit Subject (), Delete Subject (), Update Subject (), Apple Subject (), Search Subject ()
Database Table and Faculty Management System Features:
Holiday Entity: Vacation attributes holiday_ad, leave_employ_id, leave_type, leave_states, leave_to, leave_form, leave_date
Faculty Entity: Faculty Features are faculty_id, faculty_ teacher_ad, faculty_name, faculty_room, faculty_type, faculty_description
Student Status: Student properties: student_id, student_class_id, student name, student_mobile, student_mail, student_username, student_password, student_type
Teacher Existence: Teacher Features Teacher_id, Teacher_ hope_key, Teacher name, teacher_mobile, teacher_email, teacher_user, teacher_password, teacher_address
Course entity: Course properties are course_add, course_add_ant, course_registration, course_name, course_type, course_er, course_security
Subject Entity: Subject properties are subject_add, subject_course_add, subject_stent_ed, subject_name, subject_type, subject_security
Database Definition of Faculty Management System:
Holiday details are listed in the respective Holiday Tables along with all the tablesEach institution (subject, student, course, faculty, departure) includes the primary key and the unique key.
Student, Course Binds Holiday, Faculty Institutes with a Foreign Key
One-on-one and multiple relationships between course, teacher, subject, vacation are available
Discard all institutes, courses, students, essays are normalized and copies of records reduced
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code
Super Admin Functionality of Faculty Management System:
Admin can add, edit, delete, and view discounts, courses, students, essays, recordsAdmin can manage all the details of the faculty, students, teachers, course
The admin can also generate reports for departure, faculty, student, teacher
Admin can find vacation, course, student, essay details
Admin can apply different levels of filters to vacation, student, essay reports
Admin can keep track of course, subject, departure, faculty detailed information
Faculty management system in PHP | Source Code
Faculty Management System Report:
Prepares reports on students, teachers, vacations, faculty, courses, essays.Teacher, course, subject is integrated with a dynamic filter. You can filter the record runtime
You can also import report data into PDF of teacher, course, subject
The Excel Sheet report has also been integrated for faculty, teachers, subjects
You can create vacation, course, and student reports for the CSV
Limitations of the Faculty Management System
Runtime report generation is not available in the Faculty management system in PHP | Source CodeWe have not implemented dynamic reports for vacations, teachers, courses, faculty, students, essays
This project is not built on the Faculty Management System Model View Controller architecture, so it is very complicated to manage
Vacation, teachers, and batch format for offline reporting of articles cannot be executed.
The Crystal Report has not been integrated
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Input data and faculty management system validation
We've added all validation for module input, faculty, student input valueTeacher, course, subject cannot be submitted without filling out all the outfield
Duplicate values checking has been applied to vacation, student, subject
CSRF tokens have also been applied to teachers, faculty, vacations, courses, subjects.
All Holidays, Teachers, Courses, Faculty, Students, Subjects integrated with Captcha to prevent spam
Subject, course, teacher access level validation is implemented
For More Free Project Download: "Click Here"
Number and role verification is also implemented on student, course, leaveFaculty management system in PHP | Source Code
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